Click on the red subsection title for the individual Word documents. For these subsections in PDF format, click here.
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Introductory Matter
Title Page
Table of Contents
Concerning the Divine Service

The Holy Eucharist
Concerning the Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist: Anglican Standard Text
Holy Eucharist: Renewed Ancient Text
Additional Directions
Supplemental Eucharistic Texts
Seasonal Greetings
The Exhortation
Offertory Sentences
Proper Prefaces

Special Liturgies of Lent & Holy Week
Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Holy Saturday
Great Vigil of Easter

Calendars & Lectionaries
Calendar of the Christian Year
Calendar of Holy Days and Commemorations
Tables for Finding the Date of Easter
Sunday, Holy Day, and Commemoration Lectionary
Daily Office Lectionary