The Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force is responsible for producing new liturgical materials for the Anglican Church in North America, including the Book of Common Prayer, 2019.

The Very Rev'd Marcus Kaiser Sr., Chairman
The Very Rev’d Marcus Kaiser Sr. serves as Dean of S. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral in Tallahassee, Florida, and has served as Chairman of the Liturgy Task Force since 2020.

The Rev'd Canon Andrea Millard, Co-Chairman
The Rev’d Canon Andrea Millard currently serves as a priest at Church of the Ascension in Pittsburgh, PA, and has served on the Liturgy Task Force since 2015.

Jacob Hootman, Secretary
Jacob Hootman is a seminarian attending Nashotah House from the Diocese of Fort Worth. He serve as Chaplain to the Assisting Bishop of Fort Worth, and graduated from the University of North Texas in 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts in History. He has written for the North American Anglican, and has served on the Liturgy Task Force in some capacity since 2018.

The Rt. Rev'd Keith L. Ackerman SSC
The Rt. Rev. Keith L. Ackerman, SSC, has done graduate studies in the areas of Liturgiology and Liturgics and served two terms on the Standing Liturgical Commission in the Episcopal Church, having been mentored by the compiler of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. He has served as either an adjunct faculty member or lecturer in several Universities and Seminaries in the area of Liturgics. He has served on the Liturgy Task Force in the ACNA since its inception. He is the author of several books and DVD’s related to Liturgy.

The Rev'd Jonathan Kanary
Fr. Jonathan Kanary is a PhD candidate in English at Baylor University, where he teaches and studies the intersection of theology and literature; he also serves as Associate Priest for Spiritual Direction at Christ Church, Waco. He has served on the Liturgy Task Force since 2015.

The Rev'd Arnold Klukas
Professor of Ascetical and Sacramental Theology [retired] at Nashotah House, former Rector of Grace Church, Mounters Washington and its daughter Church of Grace Church, Edgeworth; both in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh.

The Rt. Rev'd Dr. R. Quigg Lawrence

The Rev'd David Pucik
Fr. David is the Rector of St. Mark’s Anglican Church in Moultrie, GA. Previously, he served as a canon at the Cathedral Church of the Apostles in Columbia, SC. He received the MDiv from Denver Seminary, and is currently pursuing a Master of Sacred Theology in patristic liturgical theology from Nashotah House Theological Seminary.